Deutsch-Amerikanische Gesellschaft Münster e.V.
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Deutsch-Amerikanische Gesellschaft Münster e.V.
48159 Münster
Im Münsteresch 1
We about us
Our aims and intentions
Our team
20 Years of the DAG
Lectures and Reports
Our excursions
Taking Care of People
Help and Advice
Others about us
Our City
Partner Organisations
Did You know already ...
1 - We about us
1.10 - German-American Society Muenster e.V.
2 - Our aims and intentions
2.1 - We are convinced that political and economic connections between Germany and America should be based on a spirit of partnership and friendship. To that end, we believe in strong interaction. Whether exchanging views on lifestyle, culture, science, politics, economics and so forth, or just doing things together for enjoyment, the process of understanding and acceptance between the two nations is furthered. Throughout the year, the Society offers a number of different activities and trips for members as well as guests. We invite you to join us!
3 - Our team
3.1 - The Board of German-American Society Muenster e.V.
3.10 - Vorsitzender
3.11 - 1. Stellvertreter
3.12 - 2. Stellvertreterin
3.13 - Schriftführerin
3.14 - Schatzmeister
3.15 - Beisitzer
4 - 20 Years of the DAG
4.1 - In June 2004, the German-American Society Münster e.V. celebrated its twentieth anniversary. The reception was held in the Festsaal of the Münster’s historic Town Hall. Guests included the Lord Mayor Dr. Berthold Tillmann shown here welcoming the US Consul Vangala Ram in the famous Friedenssaal of the City of Münster. Consul Vangala Ram represented the General Consul of the United States, George W. Knowles.
5 - Activities
5.1 - Our visitors book, which already fills two volumes, documents our activities. The listed pages will give you a short overview of our program of events.
6 - Lectures and Reports
6.1 - We want members and guest to learn about the American way of life and to let you know about the possibilities of studying or working in the Unites States. Our members and guest specialists give reports of their experiences in the States. We also invite American professors as well as German professors from the Westfälische-Wilhelms Universität (WWU) to tell us what they know about the diversity of both countries with regard to culture, economy, science and politics. This all makes for lively discussions.
6.10 - Exceptional General Meeting of the DAG
6.11 - Fourth of July 2013
6.12 - The American Civil War
6.13 - Andy Warhol and Josef Beuys
6.14 - Miracles of nature in the US – amazing trees
6.15 - Landfall of Christoph Columbus
6.16 - Fourth of July 2012
6.17 - Meeting of the USA-NRW Partnership Organisations 2012
6.18 - Evangelicals in the USA
6.19 - Members meeting 8.3.2012
6.20 - Hawaii
6.21 - Amerika vor der Qual der Wahl (Americas Struggle before Election Day)
6.22 - Thanksgiving – History and Myth
6.23 - End of Pax Americana?
6.24 - Fourth of July 2011
6.25 - DAG Münster at the US Consulate General in Düsseldorf
6.26 - Renewable energies in Germany and in the USA
6.27 - US-American families within the 20th century
6.28 - The State of the Union – the Second Half of Obamas first Presidential Term
6.29 - Mid Term Elections in the USA 2010
6.30 - Münster – a lovable Town?
6.31 - Fourth of July 2010
6.32 - Experiences in Afghanistan
6.33 - Meeting in May 2010
6.34 - The new Consul General of the US in Düsseldorf Mrs. Janice Weiner in Münster
6.35 - General Meeting 2010 and lecture The New Bauhaus by Prof. Martin Korda
6.36 - Oath, balls and parades
6.37 - German Ambassador to the USA Dr. Scharioth on one year Obama
6.38 - German emigrants to the USA
6.39 - Fourth of July 2009
6.40 - Kassler Neger – Kassler Mohren
6.41 - Change in Foreign Policy in the Obama Administration – Political Rhetoric or Reality?
6.42 - The US Indians
6.43 - The new Man in the White House – an interesting panel discussion
6.44 - Wahlkampfmanagement in US-Präsidentschaftskampagnen in historischer Perspektive
6.45 - “Fourth of July” Barbecue 2008
6.46 - Practical training at the United Nations in New York - Gabriel Vockel reported on his experiences
6.47 - Consul General Boyse visiting the DAG
6.48 - „The Kissinger Saga“ Henry and Walter, two brothers from Fürth
6.49 - A visit to Chicago
6.50 - Lecture of the German-American Society Bergisch Land in Münster
6.51 - Another lecture at the German-American Society Bergisch Land in Wuppertal
6.52 - Lecture at the German-American Society Bergisch Land in Wuppertal
7 - Our excursions
7.1 - Bus excursions once a year give our American guests and friends the chance to get to know our country better. We plan these trips to a variety of interesting places in our home state, Northrhine-Westfalia. Most of the excursions are accompanied by professional guides. Below is a short list of our trips within the last few years.
7.10 - Excursion to East-Westfalia - Cloister Dalheim and Wewelsburg
7.11 - DAG Excursion 2012 to Brühl
7.12 - DAG Excursion 2011
7.13 - Liebesmahl at the 1 German-Netherland Corps
7.14 - DAG Excursion 2010
7.15 - Excursion2009
7.16 - The new US-Embassy in Berlin
7.17 - Excursion 2008 - From White Gold to fine Fabrics
7.18 - Excursion 2007 - To the Park and Museum Kalkriese - the Battle of Varus
7.19 - Excursion to Bremerhaven on April 23th 2006
8 - Concerts
8.1 - For many years now we have started the year’s activities in January with a concert given by students of the Musikhochschule Münster under the guidance of Prof. Clemens Rave. The students regard this concert as an opportunity to showcase their abilities to perform classical and modern music for larger audiences. It takes place in the Residence at Tibusplatz Münster, where we are joined by inhabitants and guests. Afterwards we invite everyone to our New Years reception in the Residence hall.
8.10 - New Years Concert of the DAG on 22.1. 2013
8.11 - DAG New Years Concert on January 19th 2012
8.12 - Spring Concert DAG 2011
8.13 - New Years Concert, January 14th, 2010
9 - Thanksgiving
9.1 - Every year on the fourth Thursday in November we celebrate Thanksgiving American style. We hold our Thanksgiving party in a former barn. The opulent buffet offers enormous smoked turkeys, wonderful salads, many American dishes and yummy desserts prepared by members and guests. And naturally after such a terrific dinner, we work it all off with square dancing. Professional square-dance teachers quickly show us the right steps for a variety of dances and when necessary untangle our arms and legs. We have a blast! After the square-dance workout we usually have a tricky quiz with questions about American and German history, geography and culture. The winning teams are awarded prizes.
9.10 - Thanksgiving 2012
9.11 - Thanksgiving Party 2011
9.12 - Thanksgiving 2010
9.13 - Thanksgiving 2009
10 - Taking Care of People
10.1 - It is important for all of us at the Society to help American students get the best out of their sojourns here in Münster. Whenever possible, we are willing to lend a helping hand, solve problems or give advice. Furthermore, we want American students to get to know their host country and the people who live in it as well as German customs and traditions. Therefore we make every effort to acquaint them with our own corner of Germany, Muenster, its long history and rich cultural achievements.
10.10 - We welcome students from the USA
10.11 - We encourage them to tell us about their experiences
10.12 - We arrange sightseeing tours with our student guests
11 - Help and Advice
11.1 - In addition, we are prepared to offer German high school and university students as well as trainees financial and organisational help if they are interested in participating in an exchange program in the USA. We will keep them informed about exchange programs on a yearly basis and about the support they can get while attending American universities. In the past we have financially supported two students, Angela Henke and Simone Klabes, while they studied at university in the States.
11.10 - Student Exchange into the USA
11.11 - Every year we inform about student exchange programmes to the USA
11.12 - DAG information event for school exchange into the USA
11.13 - Gabriel Vockel whom DAG Münster in 2007 supported financially to realize a period of practical training at the German Embassy to the United Nations in New York reports on one day of this time in New York (in German)
11.14 - Teaching and Learning in the USA – first hand reports
11.15 - Support for a stay at an university in the USA
12 - Dates
12.10 - Gastfamilien gesucht
12.11 - Thanksging 2016 - cancelled
12.12 - New Years Concert 2016
12.13 - Thanksgiving 2015
12.14 - Actual informations for US travels by US Consulates General
13 - Others about us
13.1 - On this page we want indicate what other people think, say or report about us - may be in in press reports or other mentioning of DAG in public.
13.10 - Mrs. Renate Rave-Schneider reflects the DAG excursion 2011
13.11 - Cornel Arthur Tulak
13.12 - Katie Grosser, daughter of an American-German couple with American and German citizenship, living actually with her family in Germany and studying Communication and Political Science at the WWU published an article about the DAG Münster in the German-American newspaper "The Atlantic Times". The intention of this newspaper is to bring more informations on Germany to Americans. The article is titled "A circle of friends".
13.13 - Thanks and acknowledgements for the German-American Society
13.14 - Ambassador oft he USA in Münster
14 - Partners
15 - Our City
15.1 - Muenster – City with cultural interest in Westfalia more
15.10 - History and Landmarks
15.11 - Places of cultural interest and museum
15.12 - Science and Education
15.13 - Shopping and Leisure Time
15.14 - Capital of Bicycles
15.15 - Partnership activities in Münster
16 - Partner Organisations
16.10 - Ambassy of the USA in Berlin
16.11 - General Consulate of the Unites States of America, Duesseldorf, Germany, Amerikahaus
16.12 - Amerika Haus e.V. Nordrhein-Westfalen, Köln
16.13 - German-American Society Bergisch Land e.V.
16.14 - The English Club International (ECI)
17 - Contact
18 - Membership
19 - Did You know already ...
20 - More
20.10 - …that the famous Woodstock-Festival 1969 did not take place in Woodstock?
20.11 - …who invented the carport?
20.12 - …that there had been womens suffrage in one US State between 1776 and 1807?
20.13 - ...the history of thePledge of Allegiance?
20.14 - …that the largest public power provider in the US is a non-profit governmental corporation?
20.15 - …that Washington DC looks older than it is?
20.16 - … what means muckraker?
20.17 - … how Teddy Bear got its name?
20.18 - …that Equal Rights for women are not yet guaranteed in the US Constitution?
20.19 - …that in 1932 units of the US Army attacked US World War I veterans in Washington DC using violence?
20.20 - … that Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the USA, did visit Germany?
20.21 - …that for 13 years the USA had no President?
20.22 - … that the National Prohibition had been part of the American Constitution for 13 years?
20.23 - … that the oldest still existing European settlement in North America had been founded by the Spanish?
20.24 - … that there exists a Hermann Monument in the USA?
20.25 - … that there had been a Russian settlement just north of San Francisco for nearly 30 years?
20.26 - … that Afro-Americans fought for America’s freedom side by side with their white compatriots?
20.27 - …what means “spoils system” and who introduced that into the political practice of the USA?
20.28 - …how the figure Uncle Sam became the personification oft he USA?
20.29 - … how the national anthem of the Unites States was born?
20.30 - … that there had been a Prussian-Jewish chief of the Acoma Pueblo in New Mexico?
20.31 - … that 42.8 Millions of Americans are of German descent?
20.32 - … that American historians and political scientists since 1948 regularly set up rankings of the best and the worst Presidents of the USA?
20.33 - … that President Obama had been in office several minutes already before he took the oath?
20.34 - … that there had been once a US-President and his Vice-President elected from opposing political parties?
20.35 - … what has been the shortest term of an US President?
20.36 - … who was the first Afro-American seriously running for presidential nomination?
20.37 - … who became the very first US Ambassador in Berlin?
20.38 - … that there are 33 places in the USA named Germantown?
20.39 - … that 9 Americans became President of the USA without being elected in this office?
20.40 - … that Monrovia, the Capital of the West-African State Liberia, was named after the fifth US-President James Monroe?
20.41 - ... what means Manifest Destiny?
20.42 - … that Coca-Cola had been produced in Germany well into the Second World War?
20.43 - …. how and when Hawaii became 50th state of the USA?
20.44 - … that a society of aristocrats from the city of Mainz – called „Mainzer Adelsverein“ – had something to do with German in Texas?
20.45 - … that the famous Route 66 connected Chicago with Los Angeles "only"?
20.46 - …that a german revolutionary became US Secretary of the Interior?
20.47 - ….what means the Muehlenberg legend?
20.48 - ….since when the President of the USA can be elected fort two terms only?
20.49 - …. that 400 years ago the first permanent English settlement in North America - Jamestown - had been established?
20.50 - … that the last Indian victory against the White Man dates back 131 years?
20.51 - … how America got it’s name?
20.52 - ….that Wyatt Earp never became Sheriff or Marshal in Tombstone?
20.53 - …. that the first crossing of the north-american continent was completed just more than 200 years ago?
20.54 - …that the designer of the world famous Brooklyn Bridge in New York had been born just more than 200 years ago in Mühlhausen, Thüringen, Germany?
20.55 - … that Benjamin Franklin did sign 1785 a treaty of friendship between the young USA and Frederick the Great ?
20.56 - …. that in 1914 New York City had been the second largest german city following the german capital Berlin?
20.57 - ... how the first flag of the United States was created?
21 - Impressum
21.10 - Deutsch Amerikanische Gesellschaft e.V.
22 - Rightframe
22.10 - Gastfamilien gesucht
22.11 - Thanksgiving Party 2016 - cancelled
22.12 - New Years Concert 2016
22.13 - Thanksgiving 2015
22.14 - Exceptional General Meeting of the DAG
22.15 - Actual informations for US travels by US Consulates General